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Research – Jesse Salah Ovadia

Research Interests

My research concerns policies that promote state-led development such as local content policies in oil and gas as well as the politics that surrounds their implementation. Local content encourages local participation in and benefit from resource extraction. I am interested in the promise and pitfalls of these policies in terms of national governance, local participation, community development, industrial growth and domestic and international relations. More broadly, this topic extends to encompass a range of political and economic questions around development and underdevelopment, economic diversification, employment and unemployment, and best practices/lessons learned in the implementation and continued monitoring of local content.


I have worked as a consultant for the African Development Bank on Angola, Morocco and Tanzania, for the DFID project Facility for Oil Sector Transparency and Reform in Nigeria (FOSTER), the World Bank, and the Mining Shared Value initiative of Engineers Without Borders. I have also consulted for private companies in Angola promoting local content. This allows me to share my expertise on a wide range of topics related to local content and state-led development through extractive industries. I continue to seek opportunities to use critical international political economy as a tool for applied policy research and analysis.

Other Roles

I am a member of the Editorial Board of Canadian Journal for Development Studies/Revue canadienne d’études du développement and a Contributing Editor to Review of African Political Economy.